Harry elected to Fellow and other news

Vehicle Accident Experts are pleased to advise that as of February 2015 Harry Aust of Vehicle Systems Engineering has been elected to the grade of Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia. The grade of Fellow is the highest grade of membership and is only awarded to those who have been recognised as being amongst the true leaders of the industry and profession.

Charlie Aust of Aust Automotive Engineering has also been elected to the grade of Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia.

In other news Harry Aust was the key witness for the Prosecution in a case of Cause Death by Dangerous Driving, with the accused found guilty after a trial of 14 days.

On the technology front, Charlie Aust has recently begun working with the new Reality simulation and animation program from ARAS 360.

Charlie will be attending the Australian Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) Summit in the coming weeks in NSW, and with recent jobs in Queensland he has been racking up the frequent flyer points.

Further inquires have been received from Singapore lawyers and we look forward to expanding our client base in the region.

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