Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Check out the latest video we have created showing the wide range of vehicles that can be added to an animation, including a cyclist, a motorcyclist, a SUV towing a boat, a construction site, an emergency vehicle, a train and a train crossing.

It is possible to create an animation of most collision scenarios, which can assist both yourself and your client in understanding the dynamics of a collision.


function checkWholeForm(theForm) { var why = ""; if (theForm.EmailAddress) if (theForm.EmailAddress.value.length > 0) why += checkEmail(theForm.EmailAddress.value); if (theForm.CaptchaV2) why += isEmpty(theForm.CaptchaV2.value, "Enter Word Verification in box below"); if (why != "") { alert(why); return false; } return true; } // -->